Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Cookies we made on Valentine's Day
To celebrate Valentine's Day I went to the DENTIST.  Woohoo!  I don't actually dread going to the dentist (like most people) since I come from a very "dental" family (Polka Dots is an endodontist, my Pops is an orthodontist).  But then...I got a CAVITY.

Cavities suck because...well, they're decay in your tooth and although you're numb, it's like there's a whole CONSTRUCTION ZONE going on in your mouth...loud drilling, spraying water, air suction and a lot of pushing... oh, and don't forget the NEEDLE.  But the worst part was when Princess Sparkles asked me, "Mommy, why don't you brush your teeth?" 

Anyway, to celebrate V-day I made a 5 course meal...of LEFTOVERS.  I had actually reheated everything and had it ready to go.  I know, super romantic.  But then Camouflauge came home with an armful of food...ahi tuna, shrimp, salad, fresh bread.  Wow!  So I packed up the leftovers, put them back in the fridge and ate a really yummy meal.  Thanks, Camo!
The yummy shrimp and ahi Camo made for dinner

Camo and I don't really do gifts (though I did buy me that CAbi jacket from him), but I thought maybe we could do something cool like commit to going out to dinner sans kiddos twice a month (since I do need somewhere to wear my outfits).  With kids it's easy to forget about marriage.  You actually have to pencil in time together.  But it's important, kind of like brushing your teeth.  Because if you don't keep up with it on a consistent basis, you could end up with a cavity, and no one wants that!


D said...

Good for Camo! he's a keeper as they used to say in the old days. those cookies look fabulous--like right out of a cooking mag--great photography

Kimberly said...

Great analogy! You reminded me to have a date night and to floss all in one post! :)

Claire said...

Thanks, Kim! I think both are very important for your health :)

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